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A series of events that took place in Venice (IT) and London (UK) emerged from the International Call for Screendance called [SET.mefree]. The latter questions the medium of the screen as a means of artistic promotion in the field of dance and it culminated in the two-day event VENTIQUATTROSETTEMBRE and TWENTYEIGHTHSEPTEMBER, and the short encore during Trans(m)it: Movement in Film Festival. [SET.mefree] was curated by V.e.N.e. (IT) and futuremellon/not yet art (IT/GR) in partnership with the International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy (FR), Lago Film Fest (IT) and Project Trans(m)it (UK/USA) with the support of Metricubi (IT) and the Department of Dance at the University of Roehampton (UK). 



For more info, please visit [SET.mefree] Dance & Movement on the Screen






Twenty Eighth September
Twenty Eighth September
Trans(m)it: Movement in Film
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